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7 Must-Have WordPress Plugins for Blogging in 2024 (Free)

Few WordPress plugins can make your blogging experience more efficient. We have listed seven must-have free WordPress plugins to optimize your WordPress blog. These plugins will enhance performance, security, and user experience, making your blog stand out. Keep reading.

7 Must-Have WordPress Plugins for Blogging

1. Yoast SEO Plugin

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You probably know the importance of optimizing content for search engines like Google to attract visitors. However, for beginners, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) can be confusing and challenging. Yoast simplifies the job!

Yoast SEO offers a wide range of features to simplify the process of optimizing your pages and posts so that they can rank higher on search engines.

Key features:

  • Provides instant feedback on SEO elements as you write or edit content.
  • Analyzes content readability and suggests improvements for audience engagement.
  • Helps optimize content around a specified focus keyword for better search engine relevance.
  • Automatically generates XML sitemaps for easier search engine crawling and indexing.
  • Prevents duplicate content issues by specifying preferred URLs for search engines.
  • Adds structured data to enhance search engine understanding and display of content.
  • Customizes how content appears when shared on social media platforms for better engagement.


  • Increases search engine ranking chances, driving more organic traffic to your website.
  • Improves user experience with readability analysis, ensuring content is easy to understand.
  • Saves time and effort with automated on-page SEO optimization.
  • Makes on-page SEO easy even for beginners.
  • Yoast SEO offers both free and pro versions. All the features mentioned above are included in the free version, which is sufficient for most people.

2. Wordfence Security Plugin

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Your blog is your business, and its security is crucial. Shockingly, there is a malware attack occurring every 39 seconds. Hackers can steal your data, hijack your traffic, ruin your SEO rankings, or even destroy your website. It’s important not only to keep regular backups but also to prevent attacks from happening.

While most of the security measures should be provided by your hosting company, adding a plugin can add an extra layer of security. Wordfence is a reliable WordPress security plugin that offers a wide range of features to protect against threats.

Key Features:

  • Includes a powerful firewall that blocks malicious traffic before it reaches your website.
  • Check for outdated software and security vulnerabilities that could be exploited by attackers.
  • Enhances login security with two-factor authentication, strict password rules, and limits on login attempts to prevent brute force attacks.
  • Allows you to block specific IP addresses or entire regions from accessing your website.
  • Real-time threat defence with instant alerts.


  • Defence against hacking attempts and unauthorized access.
  • Safeguarding sensitive data and user information.
  • Peace of mind knowing your blog is secure.
  • Prevention of website downtime due to security breaches.

3. LiteSpeed Cache Speed Optimization Plugin

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Did you know that 40% of users will leave a website if it takes more than three seconds to load? A slow website can lead to a significant loss of visitors and can also impact your search rankings. Therefore, it’s crucial to optimize blogs for speed.

However, there are many misconceptions about speed optimization. Simply installing a speed optimization plugin will not speed up your website if it is poorly built. Additionally, the speed of your website depends heavily on hosting. Speed optimization plugins can be good add-ons after all is done.

LiteSpeed Cache is a powerful caching plugin designed to optimize the performance of WordPress websites. It delivers exceptional caching capabilities and accelerates website loading times.

Key Features:

  • Automatic page caching to greatly improve site performance.
  • Image optimization with automatic compression.
  • Integration with content delivery networks (CDNs).
  • Supports lazy loading for images.
  • Database optimization for improved performance.
  • Minification of CSS and JavaScript files to reduce website size.


  • Improved page load times and user experience.
  • Improvement in search engine rankings.
  • Increased conversions and revenue for online businesses.
  • Simplified performance optimization with an all-in-one solution.

4. MonsterInsights Analytics Plugin

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It’s crucial to track user analytics when growing a blog to make informed decisions. User analytics provide real data about who’s reading your blog, and what they like and dislike. This information can guide your content strategy and make your blog more appealing and useful. Additionally, it helps you see whether your blog is growing or not.

Google Analytics is a great tool for tracking, but connecting it with a WordPress website can be challenging. MonsterInsights is an excellent plugin that simplifies this process by bringing Google Analytics into your WordPress dashboard with a user-friendly interface.

Key Features:

  • Easy integration with Google Analytics for WordPress.
  • Real-time stats for instant access to website traffic information.
  • Customizable dashboard widgets for monitoring important metrics.
  • Universal tracking across devices and platforms for accurate data.
  • Affiliate link tracking to monitor affiliate marketing campaigns.
  • GDPR compliance features for data protection and privacy.


  • Access all metrics within the WordPress dashboard, without leaving.
  • Very user-friendly tracking dashboard.
  • Helps to make data-driven informed decisions.

5. UpdraftPlus Backup Plugin

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The pain of losing something that you worked hard to create is unbearable. Creating content takes a lot of time, and you don’t want to lose it due to system malfunctions or hackers. That’s why taking regular backups is important, although people often forget to do so.

UpdraftPlus is an awesome plugin that simplifies the process of backing up and restoring your website. It offers auto-backup solutions to ensure the security and integrity of your WordPress site.

Key Features:

  • Automatically schedules daily, weekly, or monthly backups.
  • Supports various storage options like Dropbox, Google Drive, and more.
  • Saves only changes made since the last backup to reduce size and time.
  • Allows complete restoration of files and databases with a few clicks.
  • Retains a specified number of old backups, deleting the oldest when a new one is created.
  • Simplifies website migration and cloning processes.


  • Ensures regular and secure backups, easing concerns about data loss.
  • Offers a user-friendly interface for simple backup management.
  • Automates backups, saving time and reducing reliance on costly solutions.
  • Keeps backups of multiple periods, allowing you to restore any of them as needed.

6. Akismet Spam Comment Blocker

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Nobody likes spam. When your blog becomes popular, the spam comment attacks begin. It can make your comment section messy and cause you to miss important comments. Cleaning up these spams takes a lot of time.

However, there’s a way to prevent this. Akismet is a powerful anti-spam plugin for WordPress, developed by Automattic, the company behind Designed to filter out spam comments and trackbacks, Akismet is an essential tool for bloggers who want to maintain a clean and professional comment section on their websites.

Key Features:

  • Automatically checks and filters out spam comments in the background.
  • Uses an updated database to recognize and block new spam trends.
  • Provides a history of actions taken on each comment.
  • Discards the worst spam to save disk space and improve site speed.
  • Compatible with most WordPress plugins and themes for seamless integration.


  • Saves valuable time focusing on content creation without worrying about spam.
  • Works quietly in the background without hampering user experience.
  • Ensures a clean comment section for a better reader experience.
  • Protects the site from malicious content and potential threats.
  • Maintains quality comments, positively impacting search engine rankings.

7. Social Snap

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Social media sharing is an effective way to drive more traffic to a blog. However, the process of sharing can be challenging for visitors, which reduces the likelihood of social shares. To increase the chances of getting shares, it’s important to make sharing easy for visitors. Studies have shown that blogs with social share buttons can receive up to 7 times more shares than those without them.

Social Snap is a social sharing plugin that allows you to add beautiful share buttons to your blog posts and pages. The plugin is easy to set up.

Key Features:

  • Support over 30+ social media platforms.
  • Customizable buttons to match your website’s design.
  • Multiple options for button placement and mobile responsiveness.
  • Displays total share count on the buttons.
  • Adds meta tags to ensure your content appears attractive when shared on social media.
  • Insert “Click-to-Tweet” boxes within your content to encourage readers to share key points on Twitter.


  • Simplifies content sharing and encourages readers to share your posts.
  • Drives more traffic from social media.
  • Displays share counts and enables easy sharing, increasing social proof.

How to Install WordPress Plugins


In this post, I shared free plugins that can significantly enhance your blog’s performance, security, and user engagement. Adding these seven essential WordPress plugins can make your blogging life easier.

Thanks for reading. Comment below for any questions.



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Toufique Alahi

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