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👋 I am Toufique

I’m 18. I really like WordPress and have been playing with it for about four years. I started with HTML and CSS, then made my first website on Weebly.

After that, I made a blog on blogger.com and tried to make money by blogging there when I was 13. Did it work? Yes, I made my first $2 online there.

Over time, I learned more and finally landed on WordPress. Since then, I’ve been making websites for people. I tried freelancing on many sites, but I found my way on Fiverr. Now I’m a level 2 seller there and still working.

While working, I learned a lot about WordPress. I never bought any WordPress courses; I learned new things while doing stuff for clients. It was risky because I couldn’t always deliver, and I lost some projects, but it was fun.

I always dreamed of having a blog. Finally, it’s live! On my blog, I share what I’ve learned and how I do stuff in the WordPress world.

I also talk about making money as a WordPress developer.

Stick around, and let’s learn and explore WordPress together